ANBI Status

Many foundations want to be classified as Public Benefit Institutions (ANBI). This status is granted by the tax authorities. The ANBI status provides tax benefits for both donors and the foundation itself.


As of 29-10-2021 The Stichting Afghan Altruistic Humanitarian NGO has ANBI status. AAHO (Afghan Altruistic Humanitarian Organisation) Foundation (Founded in 2021)
AAHO Global: Joop Geesinkweg 901-999, 1114 AB, Amsterdam | E-mail address: | Chamber of Commerce number: 82092427 | RSIN number: 862333325


A foundation with an ANBI status does not have to pay inheritance or gift tax, as long as the money is used for the public interest. Donors can deduct their donations from income or corporation tax. The condition is that the gift is recorded in an agreement. Another advantage for the foundation itself is that it qualifies for a refund of energy tax.


To qualify for ANBI status, a foundation must meet certain conditions set by the Tax Authorities. The most important condition is that the foundation is at least 90 percent committed to the common good. In addition, these useful activities may not be for profit. A director of a foundation with an ANBI status may not receive a salary for performing administrative tasks. However, a foundation may employ staff. All conditions can be found on the website of the Tax Authorities.

Withdrawl ANBI status

A foundation loses its ANBI status if the conditions set by the tax authorities are no longer met. The foundation can also terminate the status itself.

Our objectives

Our primary objective is to provide excellent humanitarian assistance, that is of inestimable value, to the indigents and helpless families in our society; those whose lives have been shattered by the interminable war in Afghanistan and other war-torn regions of the world. Some of our more specific goals include: To provide educational opportunities, empowerment and health services to help people have a healthy life free of disease and pain.
To provide them with opportunities to participate in sports activities to stay healthy and social. Ensure equal opportunities for all regardless of their ethnicity, gender, or beliefs.

Problem Summary

Afghan Altruistic Humanitarian Organization (AAHO) is a non-profit, non-religious, and non-political organization whose concept was conceived out of the need to help the indigent individuals (Mothers, Fathers, Children, and Adults) in the war-torn and struggling countries through REHABILITATION, SKILL ACQUISITION, AND EMPOWERMENT.

Our purpose is to sufficiently empower needy people in knowledge,health, sports, and general wellbeing—making them self-sufficient members of the world communities.

What We Do?

We help these populations of reclassification with:
* Mental Rehabilitation
* Skill Acquisitions
* Empowerment
* And Intra-Personal Development

Future Campaign names:

. Mobil repairing workshop
. Swing and embroidery courses
. Handicrafts Projects for widows and disable
. Calligraphy Courses
. Secondary Higher education for girls
. Computer and Technologies
. Health campaign for needy people
. Our Empowerment Projects:
. Handicrafts Projects for widows and disable
. Farming poultry
. Food Processing campaign
. Calligraphy courses
. Agricultural Projects
. Computer and Technologies
. Dairy Farming
. Skills acquisition

Board members

Mahboob M Zaher (Chairman)
Florence Patang (Secretary)
Musa Anwari (Treasurer)