Partner with Us

AAHO Welcomes national and international social entrepreneurs, who dream to collaborate with us in serving humanity and for the betterment of our world, by addressing social issues (healthcare, education), economic matters (skill acquisation & livelihood), environmental issues (ecology and hydrology), through innovative and sustainable solutions.

AAHO’s primary and fundamental objective is to save lives, alleviate suffering, and maintain human dignity without any financial motive or self-aggrandizement. We want to create a world where children of the poorest of the poor can have equal opportunity to experience a good standard of living.


Afghan Altruistic Humanitarian Organisation (AAHO) welcomes Non-Profit Organisations to collaborate with us in various ways to maximize our joint humanitarian impact, share resources and address complex issues in Afghanistan and in the Netherlands more effectively, through: (1) joint projects, (2) advocacy, (3) capacity building, (4) funding collaborations, (5) research partnerships and innovative uses of technology. We give importance to transparent, effective collaboration, clear communication, mutual trust and a shared commitment to reach our common goals.
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Afghan Altruistic Humanitarian Organisation (AAHO) welcomes national and international social entrepreneurs, who dream to collaborate with us in serving humanity and for the betterment of our world, by addressing social issues (healthcare, education), economic matters (skill acquisation & livelihood), environmental issues (ecology and hydrology), through innovative and sustainable solutions.
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Afghan Altruistic Humanitarian Organization (AAHO) aims to contribute to the creation of inclusive, resilient and sustainable communities where every individual has the opportunity to thrive and to serve humanity and make the world a better place for everyone. AAHO welcomes Communities in developed countries to support struggling communities in Afghanistan through AAHO's sustainable empowerment, education, healthcare & wellbeing projects. AAHO also plays a critical role in supporting Afghan communities in Netherlands to help themselves and to voluntarily serve local municipalities, in different areas of social need. Why are Communities important for AAHO? Because together we are stronger. Communities can save us from isolation and alienation. By building & strengthen communities we put some order in the fragmented world. The community is about finding each other and a place we can call home.
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